Orders are shipped within 48 hours of purchase.
You will receive a shipping confirmation email where we will provide you with the tracking number of your order.
If for any reason you need to cancel an order, please email as soon as possible because we will not be able to cancel it once the order has been shipped.
If you are not satisfied with the product, it does not fit, or it has manufacturing defects, don't worry! You can make a change, per request, by following these steps.
We gladly accept returns of unused products with intact labels within 14 days of purchase.
There are two ways to return your item (s):
1- Return your item (s) by printing a shipping label that will be sent to you after contacting us via and the shipping cost will be deducted from your refund.
Mail your order using the guide provided.
2- Free returns in store: Schedule your visit to our showroom by sending an email to, or via message on Instagram , Facebook.
The refund will be made in the form of payment used at the time of purchase.
We accept exchanges for unworn items with tags intact if the order is returned within 14 days of purchase.
Change the size, color, or pay the difference for a higher value piece. In case of exchanging for a piece with a lower price, a cash refund can be made.
We do not accept returns or exchanges on items on sale and/or final sale.
Migrant Society is not responsible for exchange shipping costs.
Shipping costs are not refundable.